Intarsienpullover - Gestapelte Autos

$34.00 Verkauf off
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars
Little English classic childrens clothing toddler boy light blue sweater with stack yellow blue and red cars

Intarsienpullover - Gestapelte Autos

$34.00 Verkauf off
Größe 8
Verpassen Sie nicht unsere vorbeifahrenden Autos! Dieser hellblaue Rundhalspullover hat in der Mitte der Brust drei Intarsienautos. Dieser klassische Pullover kann auf so viele Arten gestylt werden, dass er sicher ein Favorit in der Garderobe Ihres Sohnes wird!
  • 100% Baumwolle
  • Kaltes Maschinenwaschen, Schonwaschgang, zum Trocknen flach hinlegen
  • Überzieh-Stil